The Best Music Artist Guide To Selling Music Online Directly

The Best Music Artist Guide To Selling Music Online Directly


The music industry is changing. The way music artists make money is changing. 

You have an opportunity to control your music destiny or give that control away. 

If you want full control continue to read this blog post. 

It starts and ends with your music 

There is a lot of information online about releasing music consistently. Most of the reasoning behind this advice is to keep dsps happy.

People will tell you to release music monthly or weekly.

a independent artist release schedule

This is supposed to make streaming platforms recommend you. They also say it’s to make fans not forget you 

After releasing music in the streaming era. I can confidently tell you this is bad advice.

Music is a product and the best product in business sells.

Your only goal when making music is to make the best music you can. 

That doesn’t always happen on a schedule.

Independent music artist making music

You are an artist and your best ideas can come after months or years.

You should only be releasing music when you have something undeniable. Your music should be as good as the music that inspires.

If your music doesn’t match the quality of the best music ever. Don’t release it.

No fan will forget one of the best songs ever.  Even after years people still love songs from 50 years ago. 

What if it takes you years?

Then it takes you years. 

Independent music artist time

You are better off putting out and promoting one timeless album. Then dropping a series of mediocre songs.

If you are in this for real that shouldn’t be the case. 

Any artist making music daily will have something amazing in a few years or less.

If you don’t then you need to hire some help and improve. Find the best producers and writers then make a lot of music. 

How do you know your music is ready?

Test your songs. Get as much feedback as you can.

If everyone you play it for is feeling it then you’re good. If most people never want to hear it again then try again. 

music fans listening to independent music

Now some artists have an instinct for quality and can tell. 

This is a rare thing. To not be biased with something you created is near impossible. 

If you are one of these few congratulations. 

If you have any doubt then test and go with what gets positive feedback. 

You need a system for quality checking your music.

Creating Your Own Algorithm You Control

Your most important tool as a music artist is control. 

The current state of music seems to be about not having control. 

Independent artists are told to do whatever the algorithm wants. You don’t have to do that with your music. 

There is a way you can take full control of your music. 

music artist taking control of their music

You can own your own algorithm by building an email list.

Unlike streaming platforms or social media you have direct communication with fans through email. 

When you send an email to your list. Everyone on your list gets the email. When you post your song on social media only a small % of your followers see it.

An email list is something you own. You never own your followers on social media or streaming. 

You could wake up tomorrow and see all your followers and listeners gone.

An example is the issue with spotify deleting artist streams due to bots.

Most of these artists had no idea their listeners were not real. 

You can avoid all this by selling your music directly through an email list.

email from a independent artist email marketing

You can sign up for aweber and start building your list for free.

Instead of putting links to your music in your bio. Put links to give something away for fans to get on your list.

There is no limit to how many email subscribers you can have. This list will allow you to determine how much you make from your art.

Instead of getting pennies for your art you can charge what you want.

If you’re wondering if this works I want to give you an example.

Nipsey Hustle sold his album for $100 and thousands bought it. You can do it if you put the work in and never give up. 

How Nipsey hustle Sold His Album For $100

Using Your Algorithm To Make Money You Live Off

You have people on your list, now what?

You need to turn those subscribers into fans that spend money.

This is done by emailing your list 1 or twice a week. What your emails say is what determines how fast they become paying fans.

You’re not going to send emails saying buy this or that every time. 

You want to provide something valuable in exchange of that subscribers time. 

why music fans time is important

Majority of your emails should entertain or educate your potential fans.

You can do this by telling stories around your music, showing behind the scenes info, etc.

You want to think what would make it worth this person’s time to read this.

After several emails of adding value you can then request your subscribers to buy. 

This works in every business and music isn’t different. 

You will need to test different subject lines and email content to find what works.

A good way to learn what matters to your email list is to ask them. They will tell you what you need to provide to them.

asking music fans on a email list questions

This takes time to work. You should plan to email your list for at least 3-6 months before seeing sales.

Once they start they will keep going and you will have a fan base that supports you. 

Why other algorithms are still important 

Having your own algorithm or subscribers you own is half of music promotion. 

That is the direct sales portion of your business that will make you money the fastest.

The other side is your brand. Your brand is how people view your music and you.

Shaping your brand takes years. Once this is built you will have fans buying everything you put out.

An example of a brand that is recognized worldwide is Apple. 

apple logo

People give their money to Apple blindly sometimes because their brand is strong. 

Your goal is to grow your music to these heights. 

This is done through your presence on social media and pr.

Growing on social media takes consistency and dedication to learning. Posting daily and learning what works is the formula. 

Modern pr is about connecting your music with people and things that have influence.

You can start doing your own PR for $45 or for free.

You do this by collaborating with artists, influencers, and businesses. 

The key to getting collaborations is to view it as a ladder. Start low and gradually work your way up to the ones with more influence. 

independent music artist climbing the pr ladder


You can build a fan base with an email list and Consistency. 

You don’t need money either because there are free ways to do everything I’ve discussed. 

If trying to do this feels overwhelming or hard and you need help. 

Get the step by step system that will help get to living off your music. 


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