As an artist, monetizing your music can be a crucial part of your career.

In this blog, we will be discussing how many streams you need to make $100. We will go through each streaming service. including the biggest ones and some smaller ones. We’ll see which ones are most lucrative for artists.
This information comes from Visual Capitalist.
They calculated the number of streams it would take to earn $100 on each platform.
Napster 5,300 Streams
Tidal 8,000 Streams
Apple Music 13,600 Streams
Google Play Music 14,700 Streams
Deezer 15,600 Streams
Spotify 22,900 Streams
Amazon 24,900 Streams
Pandora 75,200 Streams
Youtube 144,000 Streams
If you want to increase your streams and promote your music check out this Guide
Understanding the Numbers
While it may seem like a lot of work to reach these numbers.
It’s important to understand what they actually mean by monetizing your music.
If you’re starting out promoting your music online. you need a clear strategy to make $100 from streams.

It’s also important to consider which platform is most suitable for your music. Figure out where your target audience is most likely to be. In some cases, it may be easier to reach the required number of streams on a platform with a smaller user base.
Rather than trying to chase the larger numbers on a more popular platform.
Factors That Affect Stream Count
It’s important to note that these numbers are estimates and can vary based on a variety of factors.
One of the biggest influences on stream count is the size of the platform’s user base.
It may be easier to get 5300 streams on Napster. Napster has a smaller user base. compared to trying to get 22,900 streams on Spotify, which has a much larger user base.

Marketing Tips for musicians:
If you’re starting out promoting your music online. it’s important to remember that it takes a lot of work to reach even $100 in earnings.
Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see the numbers you want right away.
It takes time to build up a following and increase your streams. This video shows you some ways to increase your streams.
One way to boost your stream count is by targeting specific platforms with a large user base in your genre. If you’re a rap artist, focusing on getting your music on Spotify’s hip-hop playlists.
Another tip is to market directly to your target audience. If you know where your potential listeners are. you can focus your marketing efforts on reaching them.
This guide shows you how to find your fans and sell directly to them
we covered the different music streaming services. you know now how many streams it takes to reach $100 in earnings on each platform.
We also discussed the factors that can affect stream count. It is important to consider the size of the platform’s user base.
Target your marketing efforts toward the platforms that align with your genre. While it may take time and effort to reach these stream counts.
It is possible to monetize your music through these platforms.